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Sports Premium Statement

The Government has increased funding for this initiative over the following academic year with the intention to maintain  substantial primary school sporting initiatives and promote sporting involvement, healthy living and fitness.  This  money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools to improve the quality of sport and PE for all of our children.

For our current Sports Premium Policy,  please click here.

How we plan to use our Sports Premium Grant in 2020-21

Although the Covid 19 pandemic has effected schools across the country we are pleased that it hasn't significantly stymied our plans for increasing engagement and activity within Mundella Primary School.

Our major thrust, and indeed the greatest change to our provision during the last four years, comes in the shape of Outdoor Learning and Enrichment - OLE.

Without the use of some of the Sports Premium Funding, mainly for supporting partial costs of the minibus, we would not be able to lok forward to such a broad range of enriching activities.

Similarly, money from the normal school budget that has paid for most of the OLE programme has ensured that we are able to maintain the access to outdoor and inter school activities (Lockdown allowing).

Mr Evans now teaches all of the PE provision in school and by using a portion of our Sports Premium funding, we are able to use this two year project to strengthen the knowledge and skills of our staff and springboard the capacity of our pupils by ensuring that the vast majority of lessons are taught alongside teachers as a team.

Breakdown of Planned Spending*

How we used our Sports Premium Grant in 2020-21

Sports Premium Funding supports initiatives beyond a financial year. OUtlined below are some aspects that were developed and maintained during the last academic year.

We continue to focus upon three main strands for Physical enrichment and were proud to be part of the Kent HAF programme during the summer break.

  • Staff training and support
  • Pupils aspiration
  • Health and future fitness

We continue to dedicate a portion of the money to support staff with augmenting their knowledge and capability when delivering aspects of the PE curriculum. As already described, Mr Evans leads PE and supports teachers in order to develop a deeper understanding of the curriculum and demonstrate strategies that build more specific pupil skills.

Mundella Primary school continues to struggle take part in inter-school games and competitions; and with limited access to the school field our performance has been inhibited. Covid has further hampered our aim to become increasingly involved in these activities, but we maintain a positive outlook and have taken part in a number of activities this academic year.

Breakdown of Planned Spending

How we used our Sports Premium Grant in 2019-20

Legacy drives our ambition to make the most of the Sports Premium Grant. We recognise that this funding may not always be available therefore it is important to use it to build skills, habits and aspirations such that children will continue to benefit in the future as well as during the funding cycle.

With this in mind we are continuing to focus upon three main strands for Physical enrichment.

  • Staff training and support
  • Pupils aspiration
  • Health and future fitness

We are dedicating a portion of the money to support staff with augmenting their knowledge and capability when delivering aspects of the PE curriculum. Shepway Sports Trust share their skills and coach our team during weekly PE lessons. They help us to develop a deeper understanding of the curriculum and demonstrate strategies that build more specific pupil skills.

Mundella Primary school has long struggled to take part in inter school games and competitions; and with a limited access to the school field our performance has been inhibited. Therefore, this year, we have built our training strategy around access to a number of inter-school activities.

Initially booking both our places in appropriate events; and also the transportation, we have worked backwards from the events to provide high quality teaching and additional access to resources in order to grow skills, develop knowledge and build excitement for lifelong involvement in sport.

In addition to our sporting programme, working with Pete Bulteel at Premier Education, we are working with pupils and families with a Fun-Trition programme. The programme delivers a series of fun and inspiring lessons for all year groups based around the fundamental principles of staying healthy; eating well, drinking well, moving well and sleeping well.

Breakdown of Planned Spending

How we used our Sports Premium Grant in 2018-19

Primarily we spent the money training our teachers to be better teachers of Physical Education. We have achieved this by bringing in sports coaches and teaching our staff with our own children; in order to embed a legacy of knowledge and skills within our team.

We bought in to the Shepway Schools Sports Partnership which organises competitive sports events for all year groups, across Folkestone and Hythe, and offers a range of hosted support in activities that are new and challenging.
Through the support of Kent based Skip2Bfit, we are promoting fitness as a regular part of our school routine. Pupils can challenged themselves to beat their PB, personal best.
Where teaching staff have remained in school, we continue to benefit from a legacy of training and support that has developed an improved scheme of work, a broader range of activities and a greater confidence in most aspects of P.E.
We took part in a greater number of team events this year. With the support of the Sports Funding Grant we developed a number of teams and gave broader opportunities for a greater range of pupils to take part.

Breakdown of Spending