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Our most vital partners, for assuring that pupils do their best at school, are most certainly the parents and carers.

We have an active community of parents, grandparents, families and friends whom all contribute to making Mundella Primary School the best it can be.

In this area you will find lots of information that may be useful; either as an existing parent of a Mundella pupil or if you are considering bringing your child to us.

Absences and Holidays

Mundella Primary School is committed to the continuous raising of achievement of all our pupils. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them.

One of our basic principles is to celebrate success. Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of weekly, termly and annual awards to promote good attendance and punctuality.

The Governors, Headteacher and Staff in partnership with parents have a duty to promote full attendance at Mundella Primary School.

Please click here for a short guide on attendance for Parents & Carers.

For additional information look at our Attendance Policy*.

Holidays in Term Time

From September 2013, the Department for Education have amended the Pupil Registration Regulations, removing the Headteacher’s ability to authorise leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday. Requests for holidays taken during term time will not be authorised. The attendance service may issue a penalty notice to each parent, for each child taken out of school for an unauthorised holiday during term time.

For any further advice, please contact our Senior Family Liaison Officer, Carol Gretton.

(Link to FLO Information)

Reports and Parent consultation

From 2018 reports will be sent out at the end of each term. They will be in a format that makes it easy to track progress, effort and attainment; as well as indicating trends in other areas of school performance.

The colour system has been chosen to simplify the reading and sharing of reports with termly tracking grids for each area.

Targets are kept focussed and to a minimum during terms 1 to 5. The end of year report may have additional targets, for the year ahead, and will also include comments for Reading, Writing and Maths as well as a general comment from the teacher.

Here is the key for colour coding Attainment and Progress.

Here is an example of a termly tracker. It has been exaggerated for demonstration purposes.

This tracker shows that, although attitude to learning was good throughout the terms, progress in reading was slower in term 1 than it was in term 2 but then dropped off in terms 3 and 4. Although attainment started well, for this child, the lack of progress is having an impact upon their current level.

We believe that it is important for you to be kept informed of your child's performance throughout the year. It allows you to keep track of their effort and progress as well as indicating their level of attainment at that particular time of the year. More importantly, opportunities to chat with the team at Mundella Primary School helps to build strong working partnerships that will always benefit the development of the pupils and the school.